fredag 17 september 2010

Week 37

This week have been pretty average, started of by having some lessons in regular classrooms where everything went alright and not a single problem occurred. Wednesday came and it was time for some plumbing, we started of by going to Ölme and De-constructing some old radiators and dispatched some old rotting pipes. At lunch I got pretty ill and didn't feel well so Anders drove me home where my mom panicked and nearly called an ambulance to pick me up. After some hours at home the hospital said that we really should come to visit them and see what's up. I took some pills and my fever and migraine pretty much cooled down and it was all over 8 hours later and I could possibly do a marathon right at that point. Seeing me being getting really sick 2 times in the time of 8 days was pretty strange and all because of that I aint going to Norway next week. I was at a funeral at Thursday which I really don't wanna write to much about but it was the person which I wrote about in my V.I.P and that's enough said. At Friday I was back in school and I heard we where going to make new spots for radiators and change some of the old ones in a pretty nice house were we 3 weeks ago made a new sewer system. After the radiators we went a bit outside town and changed an old water heater since the old one was a bit rusty and the water didn't smell good accordingly to the customer. That's pretty much this week and I'll probably will always post on regular Fridays to ''wrap up'' the whole week in one post. Hope you all will have a continued good weekend and I'll see you at Monday!    Oskar Martinsson

1 kommentar:

  1. Hope you are feeling better Oskar! So sorry to hear about the funeral :/
